Shoulder Pain
If you are suffering from shoulder pain, you've probably already tried several different ways to control or alleviate it. If your shoulder pain is the result of an accident or if you have suffered for years with shoulder pain, chiropractic care and our medical team can help. There are several different types of treatments that you will want to ask your chiropractor about.
Read on to learn how Buchanan Health Center in Leesburg, FL, can help you find relief.
Muscle Manipulation
Muscle manipulation is a great way to start to recover from shoulder pain. This type of treatment is what many people think of when they hear the term classical chiropractic care. With muscle manipulation, the chiropractor works to move muscles that have moved out of position back to their proper healthy places. By doing this, the muscles will move so that there is significantly less pressure on the nerves that are sending pain signals to the brain.
Muscle manipulation will be different from patient to patient, but it almost always takes several sessions before results last more than a few hours. Muscle manipulation is a therapy that can complement traditional medicine, and it can be performed in conjunction with other types of physical therapy.
PRP Treatment
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a relatively new type of therapy for shoulder pain. A single PRP injection has been shown to help with muscle healing, and eventually alleviate pain. PRP injections are usually used over the course of a few sessions, though many patients claim they experience pain relief immediately after that first session.
Platelet-rich plasma therapy works by using the platelets and growth factors from a patient's blood to encourage the production of stem cells within the tissues or the affected area. Stem cells are special types of cells that have the potential to grow into any type of tissue in the human body. In PRP therapy, it is believed that these stem cells work to repair shoulder injuries or inflammation. Through the course of several treatments, the stem cells can repair damaged tissue and lead to healing and pain relief.
Call Us Today
If you are suffering from shoulder pain and are searching for a "chiropractor near me" or "chiropractic care near me," give our chiropractors and medical team at Buchanan Health Center in Leesburg, FL, a call at (352) 787-8531 . Our team can help you recover from your shoulder pain and get back on the road to your best health.